fredag 4. mars 2011

"Casual friday "

It`s finally Friday and i am smiling big time!!!
This weekend is pretty exciting-we have a photo-shoot tomorrow,
so monday you can all see which exciting products we have
in the shop :)

Yesterday we got some beautiful dresses from THIS IS WHO
I AM, and a pretty cool Trench coat,-very "gestapo" feel over it!!!

Anyway, here is a pic. of both the dress and jacket: ENJOY !!!
And have a fantastic weekend by the way:) Joho !!!!!

Casual friday: today i am wearing body from BLOND, cardigan from SECOND FEMALE, tights from
JUST FEMALE, and last but not least: shoes from CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN !

-Lots of love from me, Linda :)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Vakre Linda!!! Flink som få!

    Klem fra Anh-Marthe

  2. ÅÅÅ takk i lige måte-working girl !!
    Big Love, Linda
